Game Review: The Chameleon, from Big Potato

Whenever enough of my family get together, there is invariably a demand to play a game – and we always come prepared. Recently we started playing The Chameleon, a guessing game from the folks at Big Potato. They’ve proven themselves to be masters of the party game, and The Chameleon only solidifies that fact even further.
he premise of the g
ame is simple: Everybody at the table gets a card, and one of those cards will label somebody as the Chameleon unbeknownst to the other players. Then you roll a couple of dice to determine what the subject of a given round will be based on the corresponding result on the topic card. You might get D3 in Music for example, and the word will be “guitar.” The crux of the thing is that the Chameleon has no way of knowing what the word is, because their card doesn’t feature a table to correlate with the topic card. Everyone then takes it in turns saying a single word, trying not to be too specific as to give away what the word of the round is, but not being so vague as to come off like they don’t know what it is either. The Chameleon’s job is to try and blend in and guess what the word of the round is, then when people start pointing fingers, try to ensure the heat stays off them. And if I’ve worded that too wordily, there’s a rules booklet and a QR code for a YouTube tutorial included with the game!
As with most games, it sounds more complicated than it is in practice, because we always have a laugh riot when we play The Chameleon. Some folks are always so easy to read, while others have poker faces that would put Victoria Corrin-Mitchell to shame. I’ve played with family and friends on a couple of occasions and not only is it the kind of game that anyone of any age is able to pick up and play, but there are also so many topic cards (and they’re all double-sided) that you can play for hours without losing out on any of the fun. The game feels fresh every time.
That being said, cards and dice almost always bring the same problem to the table with games. Dice often roll off of the table, and people are forced to reroll or be branded a cheater. And the cards spend so much time in-hand that it’s hard not to fiddle with them, and they end up bent. Especially if you’re the Chameleon with a nervous disposition, that card is going to end up looking different to the rest, and then the fun’s gone out of the game whenever some eagle-eyed player spots the stressed corners or worn edges.
The simplest solution to the dice issue is a foldable dice tray. I use one all the time for my tabletop roleplaying games, and they always keep my dice from bouncing off the hardwood of the table or rolling along a ridge. They’re also great for a game like this where the dice roll marks the top of the round, and the dice are a certain colour. You can get yourself a dice tray that makes those dice stand out so that everyone at the table, young and old, can see the dice more clearly. They can also be stored flat, so they’re easy to put away or travel with.
As for the cards being warped by overwrought handling, folks who have a Kingswood gaming table might want to make use of the attachable wooden card holders. Rather than keeping any cards you’re playing with in-hand or close enough to your elbows that they end up twisted, you can set them down away from prying eyes and wandering fingers to ensure your game goes uninterrupted and you can be the best damn Chameleon you can be. Just make sure your card stays face down! There’s only so much help your equipment can give you, but at the end of the day, you’re on your own.
The Chameleon is a fantastic party game that works for any gathering of ages. If ever you see it in the wild, do pick it up or give it a go, and remember who told you it was worth it to give it a shot! And who knows, you might become such a massive Chameleon fanatic that you wrap yourself up in a play mat and lie spread eagle against a wall to blend in, like some sort of board game ghillie suit.
By Ciarán Laverty